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Supporting Our Local Community

Every week I am asked for a recommendation of a local professional or business. I love connecting people! I am a big fan of supporting each other and using people I can trust to provide high quality service. I want to patronize the businesses of those who are part of my village. Two communities I am a part of in Napa have set up business directories so we can utilize trusted professionals within our organization. Some of these people I see almost every day and didn’t realize what business they owned or service they provide to our community. Here is the link to the business directory at St. John’s Lutheran. This is my children’s school. It is wonderful to be able to support the community helping me to raise my children. So, if you are looking for a stump removal service, looking for a Dr. recommendation or always wondered who own’s Allison (In Wine Country) in St. Helena, take a look and support our local community.

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